Thanks for asking this question, Hannah!
Counter to what society may say, you don’t need a college education to become successful or rich. Being a successful restaurateur is not easy, but it can be done. If you want to be really good at anything, you need to put in the work. You’re going to have to make sacrifices. The Friday and Saturday nights will probably look a lot different than you’re used to.
One thing that is crucial to success is having the ability to control your mindset. In other words, you need the ability to block people out. They’ll tell you it’s too hard. They’ll tell you that you’re going to fail or that you’re making a big mistake. DON’T listen to these people.
Believe me, it’s hard. Your closest friends and family are very likely to be your toughest critics. You need to focus and believe in your abilities. I believe you can accomplish anything without going to college. There are plenty of stories out there that testify to that fact. I'm not saying college is bad, but it isn’t for everyone.
This is what I would do: Go work in a restaurant that you would like to open. If you’re interested in opening a pub, go find a successful pub and learn why it’s working. If fine dining is more your style, find a Michelin star restaurant and take whatever job is available. Experience trumps any degree a college or university can offer.
When you have your foot in the door, use the opportunity to broaden your skills. Do every job in that restaurant. Yes, every job. Bus tables, wash dishes, tend bar; do it all. You need to know everything about how the restaurant operates in order to run a successful restaurant. This includes both problems and successes.
During the time that you DO have off, you need to be reading. Books are great. However, when you combine reading with “doing”, books become extremely powerful. Read at least 1 book a week. Old college textbooks are a great option. Just make sure you have lots of coffee; those things can be THICK!
Now that you’re working and reading, it’s time to find a mentor. Try to connect with someone in your industry that has been through the fire, so to speak. This person should be where you want to be; someone that has done it. Maybe they own or operate a successful restaurant in your area. The goal is to find someone that is doing things correctly. Not everyone is ‘mentor worthy’.
When you’re ready to venture out on your own, consider getting a partner. Find someone that is like-minded. Having a partner can be invaluable. It can be extremely beneficial for things such as sharing costs. Find someone that compliments you. Those are the partnerships that make the best match.
Remember to work hard. That is the best advice you can get. Success goes to those who work hard and stay focused.